That's Rocky.. our travel buddy on 4 paws. Since it was really hard for us to find all necessary information for travelling with a dog we thought we'd like to share our travel experiences with you. Please feel free to contact us in case you have more questions!
Check List
This list is based on our own experiences we made back in Austria. Please consult your veterinarian!
1. decide with which flight you wanna go
2. call the airline to ask if they still have space for your dog on this specific flight (limited spaces!)
3. Book your flight online
4. Call the airline - tell them your booking number - book your dogs flight directly on the phone!
Good to know: The price depends on the size of the cage your dog will be transported in. - Check the websites of the airlines, they do have the regulations online. The flight for Rocky was 360 € one way from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires. Has to be paid at the airport! To avoid stress for your dog - please chose a direct flight! Tip: put a little bowl with ice cubes in the cage! - so water will not spill during plane takeoff and your dog will have some water available during the flight.
Necessary, that your dog doesn't have to be in quarantine. Best to do it 4 months before the flight (in case it fails once you could do it a second time). Rocky got his anti rabia vaccine 2 weeks
before the rabies titer examination was done. He passed the blood examination perfectly!
Good to know: This examination is valid a whole dog-life provided the fact that it receives the rabies vaccination each year! We paid about 40 € for the new rabies vaccination
and about 30 € for the blood collection to our local veterinarian. About 80 € for the rabies titer examination to the official laboratory.
May not be older than 8 days when traveling and has to be done by official state veterinarian.
Please make sure beforehand that you bring it in the required language when entering a different country.
Good to know: For entering Argentina we had contact with the staff on the airport in Buenos Aires and we were told that the health certificate from the official veterinarian -
which will be in English, German, Italian and French - is ok. It's important for them to bring the Rabies titer certificate in english! The health certificate costs about 25 € in Austria.
Rocky is fed with dried animal food here in Austria. Check in advance which animal food is available in the country you will be traveling in, and in best case change the food way before so that
your dog will be used to it already!
We decided to feed Rocky Royal Canine - since it might be available on the whole American continent. We changed his food to Royal Canine 6 months before departure!
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