
What happened within the last few weeks in Mar del Plata...

It´s been a while since our last blog entry. So here´s a quick update what has happened so far. We are still in Mar del Plata, since everything is taking a bit longer as we´ve thought in the beginning. The good thing about that, we do have more time to spend with family and friends from Bauti. ;)


What happened with Simba so far...

  • In the last weeks we have finished our wooden boxes which will make our life in the R4 way more organized! :) they look great and we are really happy with it. In case you´ll need a carpenter in MDQ we can recomend Aníbal.
  • Simba was with a "chapista" (mechanic) to strengthen its´ skeleton on the bottom.
  • Above that Simba was with a painter to re-do the necessary parts. Unfortunately we are not happy at all with the result :( , but to not lose more time in the city we´ve decided to put some plots on to conceal it as good as possible. The box in the back is beautiful now though! :)
  • we did paint the rims of the car! they look great now! :)
  • Simba has an alarm now! - very important for us in case we are in more frequented places.


  • We finished the plot and sticker design which we will put on Simba within the next week. - just needs to be produced...
  • The additional roof-box which will be put on the roof is in production already and will be finished within next week!
  • finishing the electrical parts which need to be done..


In between all this we´ve been to the beach once for 2 hours with a borrowed car, where unfortunately they broke in the car and stole the stereo. So we had to repair the car lock. We´ve recharged our batteries looking after Bautis sisters house and are ready for the last two weeks in Mar del Plata.. Countdown! ;)


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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    David (Sonntag, 17 November 2019 21:11)

    Go go go � euer Auto is echt der Hammer! Hoffentlich geht's bald los! LG aus der dem Verregneten Kärnten.