
so far... another week in Mar del Plata

Another week went by since our last blog entry... quite fast actually.

So just in short: what happened?


As you might know our R4 Simba is with the specialist for gearboxes at the moment, since we noticed a strange noise and couldn´t go further last week.

Result: So to our surprise and to our luck the gearbox is in great shape! we did change some small thing but overall the specialist told us it is perfect as it is. nevertheless we did rectify a part of the semi-axis where the rubber part was brittle already due to its age.

  1. we brought Simba to the gearbox specialist.
  2. we brought the semi-axis (semieje) to our mechanic to take apart the semi-axis.
  3. we brought the specific part to a specialist who rectifies those parts (tornero).
  4. after rectification brought those parts back to the mechanic.
  5. after mechanic built it together again we brought it to the gearbox specialist again.

So here we are at the moment. we are supposed to get our car back on saturday... and then we will see if the noise is gone or if the car has to make another stop with our mechanic who did the whole motor. :)



Apart all that we were enjoying the time with the family and to get to know the surroundings of Mar del Plata... Mar de las Pampas, Cariló, Vinamar, Pinamar...

Even though Rocky has been at a beach before, he was quite happy and a bit confused, when he started to dive in his mouth deep in the sand - as he loved to do it in the snow... :D he soon noticed that THIS was not snow...


So far so good. Keep it up!

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